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Author or Institution as Author
Department of Agricultural Research
Resource Type
Partner Collections Content
Journal Article
Date of Publication
Nov 01, 2022

The compendium is a compilation of stories about project activities (research and development, agricultural extension, trainings, project management and monitoring) implemented under APPSA Lesotho. It is the mandate of the Communication Working Group (CWG) to manage project communication and technology dissemination for visibility and awareness, knowledge sharing and collaboration among stakeholders. The roles of Technology Dissemination Office; and Information Technology and Knowledge Management are responsible for ensuring the functionality and delivery of the objectives of the CWG.

The World Bank

Latest Resources

A comprehensive scoping and assessment study of climate smart agriculture (CSA) policies in Namibia
Agriculture climato-intelligente à Madagascar Climate-smart agriculture in Madagascar
Agronomic assessment of a taro-bambara intercrop under rainfed conditions
Approaches to Reinforce Crop Productivity under Water-Limited Conditions in Sub-Humid Environments in Sub-Saharan Africa

Funding Partners