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Date of Publication
Nov 01, 2023

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) is a sub-regional organization that was established by SADC Member States (MS) to coordinate agricultural research and development (AR&D) among its 16 Member States. With its headquarters situated in Gaborone, Botswana, CARDESSA‘s vision is to assist member states to attain food security and build a prosperous Southern African region with vibrant rural livelihoods. Its mission is to promote innovative research, technology generation and adoption for sustainable agricultural development through affective partnerships and capacity building.

CCARDESA therefore has a broad mandate to assist its Member States in coordinating their agricultural research and development and also to empower smallholder farmers to improve their product efficiency and generate increased incomes through active market engagement while navigating the current polycrises (Covid-19, worsening climatic conditions, worsening economic growth and the Ukraine war). All of these have negatively affected the global food security.

To mitigate against these negative effects, CCARDESA is supporting smallholder farmers to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, particularly in response to the challenges posed by worsening climatic conditions. However, the main issue is that although CCARDESA has active outputs on areas of KM and information dissemination of their products, there is a serious limitation in audio- visuals as most of their products are in paper format which has been proven not to be as effective. Furthermore, the Internet of Things’ (IoT) main tenet is on digitalization and this is a better way to respond while bridging Africa’s youth demographic dividend.

Latest Resources

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Agronomic assessment of a taro-bambara intercrop under rainfed conditions
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Funding Partners