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Please direct inquiries to Prof Mabhaudhi at<;

From: Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe (IWMI-South Africa) <>
Sent: Wednesday, 03 May 2023 05:04
To: IWMI-SP1_R4D Mission 1 <>; IWMI-Staff in the Southern Africa Office <>; IWMI-Staff in the West Africa Office <>; IWMI-Staff in the East Africa and Nile Basin Office <>; Excellence in Agronomy - All <>; TAFS-WCA All Staff <>; Baitsi Podisi <>
Cc: Nkosi, Phindiwe (IWMI-South Africa) <>; CHIMONYO, Vimbayi Grace Petrova (CIMMYT-Zimbabwe) <>; NYAGUMBO, Isaiah (CIMMYT-Zimbabwe) <>; THIERFELDER, Christian Lutz (CIMMYT-Zimbabwe) <C.Thierfelder@CGIAR.ORG>; Luxon Nhamo <>; Sylvester Mpandeli <>
Subject: Call for Contributions - Agricultural Water Management in Africa Lessons Learned Future Directions

Dear All,

I trust that you are well.

We are happy to share the Call for an edited book collection on Agricultural Water Management in Africa. The book will provide an overview of the status of irrigation development and AWM practices and technologies in Africa and the global South and provide guidelines, scenarios, and investment plans to guide the prioritisation and operationalisation of irrigation development and AWM under climate change.

We invite contributions covering the topics listed in the attached Call. New topic suggestions that are of interest and relevant to the global South are also welcome and will be considered by the Editors.

Attached Resources
The information in the attached documents provides detailed guidance on the elements of your manuscript. Please review this information and let me know if you have any questions.

* Comprehensive Manuscript Preparation Guidelines: This document outlines the steps we will be taking as you proceed in your writing and submission process and Elsevier's expectations of your manuscript. Some key items to note:

* Formatting Overview (page 3): This section outlines the most important aspects for laying out your manuscript-further detail can be found in later sections of the document
* Abstracts and keywords (page 11): As an author, editor, or contributor, you are required to prepare a short abstract and keyword list for each chapter in your book, to be delivered along with each completed chapter-instructions for these are found on page 11.
* Permissions Requirements and Instructions (page 14): This section explains the process and requirement to secure written permission for any figures, tables, images, or other supporting material that is not original to you. If you have any questions about permissions, please contact the Permissions Helpdesk at<;, and my colleagues on that team will be happy to help answer. They will also be following up shortly with instructions and submission information.
* References (page 18): Please refer to this section for information on Elsevier's accepted reference styles.
* Simple EMSS (delivery system) Instructions (page 32): This section outlines five easy steps to get started in EMSS<;, our online manuscript delivery system.
* If this is your first time logging into EMSS, please use the attached document "EMSS Log In Instructions" to guide you through logging in for the first time.

* Copyediting Guidelines: I have also attached our complete copyediting guidelines and a quick reference guide to help you as you proceed with the writing. Karthik B. will be the Copy Right Coordinator for your book, and he is copied above.

We look forward to receiving your expressions of interest.


Tafadzwa, Funke and Aidan


Call for Contributions - AWM in Africa_Lessons Learned Future Directions_Final.pdf
Copy Editing Style_Quick Reference Guide to Elsevier Specifications for Authors.pdf
EMSS Log In Instructions.pdf
Elsevier Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.pdf

Funding Partners