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For Your Information

From: Posthumus, Helena <>
Sent: Friday, 18 November 2022 16:51
Cc: LAROSE Christophe (INTPA) <>; FAURE Guy (INTPA) <>; darrell sextone <>; mariongirardcisneros <>; Koopmanschap, Esther <>; Peter Munyi <>
Subject: New publication: Current developments in seed laws harmonisation in Africa - a review of seed policies in Africa

Dear colleagues
We are happy to share this new report Current developments in seed laws harmonisation in Africa<…;, written by Peter Munyi<;.
This report reviews the international treaties and policy instruments that determine the plant breeders' rights and farmers' rights to seed. The findings show that current seed policies need to (and can) be made more coherent and operational to support farmer-managed seed systems in Africa.
This report was commissioned by DeSIRA-LIFT<;, on behalf of the European Commission (DG INTPA F3). Feel free to disseminate this report further.
Meanwhile, we are discussing the policy recommendations with a group of African experts in response to the report's findings. So watch our website<; for more news or follow DeSIRA-LIFT on LinkedIn<;!
Helena Posthumus

Helena Posthumus (PhD)
Program director DeSIRA-LIFT;;
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