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[dad-net] The role of animal genetic resources in climate change
adaptation and mitigation

2019-09-06 17:29

"Miriam Widmer" <>

"Domestic Animal Diversity Network (DAD-Net)" <>

"Domestic Animal Diversity Network (DAD-Net)" <>

Dear colleagues,

The last report of the IPCC on Climate change and Land shows that the impact of climate
change on terrestrial systems is increasing. Climate change and animal
genetic resources management was one of the emerging topics identified
by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture when
reviewing the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources. One of
the possible actions was the facilitation of research to better
understand the relation between climate change and animal genetic
resources and ecosystem services, including characterization of adaptive
traits of animal breeds in their production environments.

The Commission requested FAO to develop a study on the role of genetic
resources for food and agriculture in climate change adaptation and
mitigation. The Member countries requested this study in order to gain
information on how genetic resources are used in climate change
adaptation and mitigation, if specific breeding is conducted, and if
research findings are translated into action.

While there is a wide variety of scientific literature on the genetic
mechanisms of climate change adaptation and mitigation in livestock, and
livestock production is mentioned in many climate national adaptation
plans, there is not much detailed information on how countries and
breeding programmes consider genetic resources in climate change
adaptation and mitigation. In order to complement the available
information, we are therefore contacting sector experts.

We would like to know from you
* Does the livestock masterplan or other livestock sector policy in
your country or organization take climate change into account?
* Do you know of a breeding programme that takes adaptation to or
mitigation of climate change into account? On which livestock species?
* Which aspects of climate resilience or mitigation are most commonly
being investigated? Are specific traits such as heat tolerance or
reduced methane emissions investigated? Or are the breeding goals rather
targeting climate-related traits, such as general robustness, or pest
and disease resistance for those pests and diseases that are expected to
increase with climate change?

We would appreciate receiving links to related documentation, if

Please send your answer to


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