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Author or Institution as Author
Monau, P.

Raphaka, K., Zvinorova-Chimboza, P., and Gondwe, T.

Resource Type
Curated Content
Journal Article
Date of Publication
Nov 01, 2022

Goats have a key role in ensuring food security and economic livelihood to smallholder farmers in rural areas. Women play a vital role in goat rearing, promoting economic autonomy within households. Indigenous goats dominate and are of high significance due to their adaptive traits that are relevant for climate change and low maintenance. However, lack of emphasis on farmer-centered technology development and proper breed characterization remains a hitch to sustainable utilization and breed development of indigenous goats. This can be overcome through proper linkage between market and production, workable regional and national agricultural policies, community breeding programs, collaborative research work within the region, and consistent government support.


Raphaka, K., Zvinorova-Chimboza, P., and Gondwe, T., (2019). Sustainable Utilization of Indigenous Goats in Southern Africa. Diversity 2020, 12, 20; doi:10.3390/d12010020

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