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The Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services - Kenya (KeFAAS) is pleased
pass on relevant opportunities shared by a member organisation its
registered under, the Agricultural Council of Kenya (AgCK).

The Agricultural Council of Kenya (AgCK) is a non-profit, non-political and
all-inclusive organization sector-wide member-based umbrella organization
that was formed and incorporated in Kenya on 2015. The council was
established as part of a Pan African Community of Practice established to
bridge the gap between the public sector in agricultural development and
non-state actors to create avenues for better coordination in agricultural
development. Established under the auspices of the African Union's
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) as the Kenyan
chapter of the CAADP Non-State Actors Coalition (CNC), AgCK brings together,
coordinates and supports actors for sector-wide socio-economic
transformation through a unified and holistic value chain-focused
agricultural development by the Non-State actors in the country.

The Council's mandate is to facilitate the coordination and streamlining of
agricultural development and strategic sector transformation agenda by
promoting inclusive, evidence-based and synergistic solutions for the
sector's development. This is through actively engaging horizontally and
vertically integrated non-state actors through Public Private Partnerships
(PPPs) arrangement, sector-wide networking opportunities, building strategic
coalitions that incorporate men, women, youth, consumers and other special
interest groups, to improve the sector's performance with a specific focus
on responsiveness to markets while holding state actors accountable. This
mandate derives from the uncoordinated and unstructured consultations and
interventions among the agricultural sector stakeholders in Kenya with this
disjointed approach denying the sector actors opportunity to realize the
full potential of their individual endeavors. The sector lacks harmony in
charting a comprehensive and unified approach towards holistic value chain
focused agricultural development in the country. Harmonization of efforts
amongst actors, facilitators and enablers in the specific value chains
continuum is critical for agricultural transformation in Kenya. The
Council is providing this much needed platform and opportunity for effective
sector connectivity and ultimately transformation.

Below are the opportunities:

1. AgCK requires a qualified expert to undertake rapid review of
implementation mechanisms in place for the potato packaging and marketing
regulations with reference to the new crops (Irish Potato) Regulation,

2. AgCK is looking for a qualified expert/consultancy firm for
production of a documentary film to visually monitor the implementation
process, evaluate impact and promote implementation of the new crops (Irish
Potatoes) Regulations, 2018.

Visit their website for more information through this link;

Kind Regards.

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