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Carlos E. Arce
Resource Type
Partner Collections Content
Best Practice
Date of Publication
Jul 01, 2016

This paper presents a review of the commercial sustainability, profitability, challenges, impact, and potential contribution of weather index insurance (WII) products to improving resilience in weather-affected agricultural systems in developing countries. This is important given the continuing demand on governments to manage the considerable weather risk faced by smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa and other weather-exposed regions in developing economies.

This assessment has been developed in a two-step process. First, a literature review was conducted summarising the global experience in developing weather index insurance programmes. Second, we conducted a field investigation designed to extract a more detailed understanding of whether the results of recently launched WII pilots in Sub-Saharan Africa (in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) are in line with the global experience.


Arce, Carlos. 2016. Comparative Assessment of Selected Agricultural Weather Index Insurance Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vuna Research Report. Pretoria: Vuna. Online:

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