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Author or Institution as Author
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Date of Publication
Oct 01, 2020

The cases captured in this booklet show the steps taken in many of these projects and organisations to support and ensure the adoption of an experience capitalization approach. Working together with their colleagues, those who joined the CTA workshops have become active “champions”: organising their own training sessions, they shared information in different ways, and have shown how others can benefit from the capitalization process. They have helped to create the conditions for experience capitalization to be more widely adopted by their organisations. As a result, there are many new capitalization processes going on, and many more will be taking place in the future – effectively underpinning more accountable and efficient projects in the future and greater progress in rural development.


CTA. 2019. Experience capitalization: Working towards its institutionalization. CTA Experience Capitalization Series 12. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.

Funding Partner
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Latest Resources

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Funding Partners