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Dear Readers,

Find a call below for your attention. Please send any queries directly to: DeSIRA_LIFT at<;


Baitsi Podisi

From: DeSIRA_LIFT <>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 October 2022 14:24
Subject: Call for experts | DeSIRA-LIFT

Dear colleagues,

DeSIRA-LIFT has a call for experts (see<https://eur03.safelinks…; and below). Could you please distribute this in your network? The deadlines are short.....

Many thanks,

Helena Posthumus (PhD)
Program director DeSIRA-LIFT;…;
[A picture containing text, clipart Description automatically generated]
Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation
Wageningen University & Research
P.O. Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, the Netherlands

T +31 317 486 045 | M +31 6280 43645;…;;…;


DeSIRA-LIFT call for experts

The DeSIRA-LIFT<…; facility provides support services to the DeSIRA Initiative<…; (funded by the European Commission) that aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agri-food systems in the global South.

Service Area 1 of the DeSIRA-LIFT facility supports research and innovation projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and strengthens their capacities to manage for impacts. We are currently looking for experts who will collaborate with the Service Area 1 team in delivering trainings, coaching and learning events to the DeSIRA projects. Please look at the Terms of Refences below for further information on the assignments and expert profiles.

Interested experts are requested to submit a CV and short motivation letter to<;. Further information on each expert can be found below:

Expert in MEL trainings for professionals, Spanish-speaking (NKE 1.17)

* Reference: SA1-3.3
* Spanish / English speaking
* Number of days: max 25 days between 1 November 2022 and 31 March 2023
* Fee: maximum of 450 euro per day
* Terms of Reference<…;
* Contact person for more information:<;
* Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022
* Submit a CV and short motivation letter to<;, with<; in cc.

Expert in MEL trainings for professionals, French-speaking (NKE 1.18)

* Reference: SA1-3.4
* French / English speaking
* Number of days: max 25 days between 1 November 2022 and 31 March 2023
* Fee: maximum of 450 euro per day
* Terms of Reference<…;
* Contact person for more information:<;
* Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022
* Submit a CV and short motivation letter to<;, with<; in cc.

Expert in participatory videos and qualitative evaluation methods (NKE 1.19)

* Reference: SA1-5.1
* Number of days: max 15 days between 1 November 2022 and 31 March 2023
* Fee: maximum of 450 euro per day
* Terms of Reference<…;
* Contact person for more information:<;
* Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022
* Submit a CV and short motivation letter to<;, with<; in cc.

Cluster Facilitator, French-speaking (NKE 1.21)

* Reference: SA1-7.2
* French / English speaking
* Number of days: max 100 days between 1 November 2022 and 31 May 2024
* Fee: maximum of 450 euro per day
* Terms of Reference<…;
* Contact person for more information:<;
* Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022
* Submit a CV and short motivation letter to<;, with<; in cc.

Cluster Facilitator, Spanish-speaking (NKE 1.22)

* Reference: SA1-7.3
* Spanish / English speaking
* Number of days: max 100 days between 1 November 2022 and 31 May 2024
* Fee: maximum of 450 euro per day
* Terms of Reference<…;
* Contact person for more information:<;
* Deadline for application: 24 Oct 2022
* Submit a CV and short motivation letter to<;, with<; in cc.

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