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For your information

From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Boettcher
Sent: 15 May 2019 16:35
To: Domestic Animal Diversity Network (DAD-Net) <>
Subject: [dad-net] Launch of the open science initiative Peer Community In Animal Science

Dear colleagues, You may be interested in the following opportunity. If you have any questions, please send a message to the email address seen at the bottom of the message. This is not a FAO initiative.


Dear colleague,

Apologies for duplicate messages.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the initiative Peer Community In (PCI) Animal Science (, a free system of peer-reviewing of preprints. This international initiative aims at promoting open and transparent science.

PCI Animal Science is under the umbrella of the parent project Peer Community In <; . PCI Animal Science is a community of researchers working in Animal Science who peer-review and recommend unpublished preprints publicly available from open archives such as bioRxiv, arXiv, Zenodo and HAL.

The peer-review process of PCI Animal Science is very similar to that of conventional journals (with editors and reviewers), except that it is totally transparent and free for authors and readers. Preprints recommended by PCI Animal Science are of free access in open archives. In addition, the reviews of these preprints as well as a recommendation texts explaining why these preprints are recommended will be freely available on the PCI Animal Science website. Preprints recommended by PCI Animal Science will be finalized, peer-reviewed articles that can be used and cited, like any other article published in a conventional journal. Hence, there will be no need for these recommended preprints to be submitted for publication in classic journals (although they can be, according to the authors’ preferences).

PCI Animal Science recommends preprints from a wide range of research areas applied to animal science: animal genetics, breeding, growth, reproduction, nutrition, physiology, epidemiology, disease ecology, neurobiology, microbiology, behaviour, welfare, ethics, health, management and production systems, precision livestock farming and veterinary science.

On behalf of PCI Animal Science, we invite you to submit your preprints and to contact us if you are interested in becoming an editor.

Please forward this message to your colleagues.

Best regards


Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo

Administrator of Peer Community In Animal Science

Twitter: @PCI_AnimSci

e-mail: <;

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