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From: World Milk Day <>
Sent: Thursday, 05 May 2022 03:59
To: Pamela Amoah <>
Cc: Stefanie Hyde <>
Subject: �� Enjoy Dairy Rally & World Milk Day Coming Soon - Let's tell our story! ��

Dear World Milk Day mobilizers and supporters,

There are just a few weeks until the World Milk Day 2022<…; celebrations begin.

This year, the World Milk Day theme highlights how the dairy sector is accelerating its climate actions. Together we will tell dairy’s sustainability story to showcase the innovation, technology and commitment of the sector to reduce its environmental footprint. We invite dairy farmers and others to share videos showcasing how your farm or company is becoming more sustainable.
How to participate:

1. The celebrations start with the Enjoy Dairy Rally May 29 – May 31, culminating with World Milk Day on Wednesday, June 1.
2. Download the Activation Guide<…; which contains everything you need, including social media visuals, infographics, posters, blogs and more.
3. Share your story in a short 30-45 second video! The videos can showcase sustainability practices in place on your farm or at your company. A poster<…; has been developed for use in these videos, asking “What does sustainability look like?” Send your video to<; or through WeTransfer<…; to be featured on the World Milk Day social channels.
4. Follow World Milk Day social accounts:
* Facebook: @GlobalDairyPlatform<…;
* Twitter: @worldmilkday<…;
* Instagram: @globaldairyplatform<…;
5. Like, share, re-tweet, re-post World Milk Day content using our hashtags: #WorldMilkDay #EnjoyDairy
6. Post original social media content (photos, videos, links, posts, ….) or use those provided in the Activation Guide<…;.

There’s a team dedicated to provide 24-hour support for Mobilizers throughout the celebration. For questions:<;.

Good Luck!
The World Milk Day Team

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