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Dear Colleagues,

See request below for you.



From: Ansa van Vuuren []
Sent: 20 June 2019 11:03
To: SimphiweMn <>; Wilbri Vorster
Cc: JanHendrikV <>; Tanyongana, Ronia (FAOSFS)
<>; Isabel Rong <>; Werner WP.
Strumpher <>; Esaiah Tjelele <>;
Petru Fourie <>; Baitsi Podisi <>
Subject: Request for FAW samples
Importance: High

Dear Colleagues

The ARC – Plant Health and Protection is doing a DAFF funded project on the
“Phylogenetic relatedness of Fall Armyworm specimens in South Africa with
those reported globally” with the objectives as follows:

• Generate sequence data for the DNA barcoding gene, COX1 as
well a protein-coding gene, for South African specimens.

• Phylogenetic comparisons to determine the phylogenetic
diversity of these specimens in a global setting

The proposed outcome of the phylogenetic studies will hopefully shed some
light on the events that have led to the dispersal of this pest and may
therefore be helpful in determining adequate surveillance methodology and
assist in addressing phytosanitary requirements. In addition, type
specificity and host relatedness will assist greatly in the evaluation of
adequate control measures. Ideally this study has a multiple season
application as the dispersal and genetic composition of the FAW populations
in South Africa need to be monitored to inform pre-emptive treatment

It is imperative that we analyse sufficient sequence data for this project
and would therefore request all role players/stakeholders in the
agricultural sector to submit FAW samples for analysis to the ARC-Plant
Health and Protection (see attached sheet). The cost of the analysis will be
covered by the project, however, we cannot guarantee an infinite number of
analysis. Samples will be selected based on their fitness and
appropriateness for inclusion in the final data evaluation. The samples may
originate from any part of the African continent, but should be submitted as
per the guidelines in the attached fact sheet. Samples from private
collections are also welcome and can be submitted under a code if so
preferred. The results of the study will be in the public domain and as such
will be available to anyone working in this field. This is an unique
opportunity to participate in this project and we therefore look forward to
receive as many FAW samples as possible. A limited amount of collecting
materials can be made available from the contact person (Dr Werner
Strumpher) as indicated in the fact sheet, should this be required.

I would therefore appreciate your assistance in distributing this request to
the IRAC members as well as the FAW steering committee members and any other
relevant stakeholders.

Many thanks and we look forward to your response.

The following journal articles have reference to this project:

* DNA Barcoding and Phylogenetic Relationships of Spodoptera litura
and S. exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Author(s): P. R. Shashank, Asha
Thomas and V. V. Ramamurthy Source: Florida Entomologist, 98(1):223-228.
Published By: Florida Entomological Society DOI:
<; URL:

* Regier JC, Mitter C, Zwick A, Bazinet AL, Cummings MP, et al. (2013)
A Large-Scale, Higher-Level, Molecular Phylogenetic Study of the Insect
Order Lepidoptera (Moths and Butterflies). PLoS ONE 8(3): e58568.

* Goergen G, Kumar PL, Sankung SB, Togola A, Tamò M (2016) First
Report of Outbreaks of the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith)
(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a New Alien Invasive Pest in West and Central
Africa. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0165632. doi:10.1371/journal.

* Jacobs A, van Vuuren A, Rong, IH (2018) Characterisation of the Fall
Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from
South Africa. Published by Entomological Society of Southern Africa URL:


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Guidelines for preservation of field-collected FAW.PDF

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