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From: <> On Behalf Of domitille vallee
Sent: Tuesday, 22 September 2020 11:49
To: Platform for African - European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <>
Subject: [paepard] Webinar on RTWW RDW- 23 september

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[Unlocking the Potential of Treated Wastewater and Drainage Water for Agriculture Development][Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations]

[cid:image019.png@01D690DF.429C13C0] [cid:image020.png@01D690DF.429C13C0]
[Wednesday - September 23rd, 2020]
[Concept Note and Agenda]
[11:00 - 13:00 (Tunis, Tunisia time)]
[Click here to register]<;
[Treated Wastewater and Drainage Water Reuse for Agriculture Development in NENA region: THE STATE-OF-THE ART ?]




Fresh water resources in the Near East and North Africa region are among the lowest in the world with water availability decreasing by two third over the last 40 years and falling. Considering this increase of water scarcity within changing climate conditions and growing water demands, this region is expected to experience the greatest economic losses estimated at 6-14% of GDP by 2050. For the same time horizon, 60% more freshwater resources will be needed to satisfy growing global demand for food.

In this context and within the framework of the Regional Water Scarcity Initiative (WSI), FAO and its partners are continuing, more than ever, to support countries in the Near East and North Africa region to address their most urgent challenges: assessing food and water security, for sustainable economic and social development. To prevent acute water shortages, non-conventional water reuse for agricultural development is emerging as priority for most of the countries.

So far, the opportunities offered by non-conventional water are untapped. These resources are undervalued to strengthen water security in this region. Indeed, countries in the region are at different level of reuse. Oman, ranked 16th on the list of countries experiencing water stress, treats 100% of collected wastewater and reuses 78%. About 84% of all wastewater collected in the Gulf countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) is treated at high levels, but only 44% is reused. Jordan, which had a low to almost zero reuse rate in the early 2000s, now sees this rate increased to over 80% by promoting indirect reuse. For Maghreb countries the rate of reuse is still very low not exceeding 20%. Drainage water resources is insufficiently documented and reused. Figures of drainage water volume and their reuse rate at the national scale are often missing.

During the last few years, several projects are being implemented in the region for unlocking the potential of treated wastewater and drainage water for agricultural development. These activities are aiming to produce a diagnosis on the production, storage and reuse of these non-conventional water resources through national, sub-regional assessment highlighting the potential for collaboration. They will further propose regional approach with visions, strategies, action plans and solutions through pilot field projects in several countries throughout all the region with preparation for funding of an ambitious regional project as investment program for the development of the reuse of non-conventional water for agriculture development.

Within this framework, FAO with its partners: ICBA, IWMI, WHO and IME joined hands and propose to organize the webinar series for improved regional cooperation between countries in the field of non-conventional water reuse for agricultural development. These webinars will contribute to enhance knowledge and information on the safe use of treated wastewater and drainage water in agriculture. Some of them will focus on policy dialogue for strategies and initiatives promoting non-conventional water reuse in the region.

The Webinar 1 is focusing on the state-of-the art on the reuse of Treated wastewater and drainage water and will discuss a new holistic approach to boost the rate of reuse for agricultural development.

Discussion questions
The discussion will feature three presentations by:
1) Mr. Faycel Chenini, Project Coordinator (FAO);
2) Ms. Nisreen Lahham, Project Manager (IWMI) and;
3) Mr. Khalil Ammar, Principal Scientist (ICBA)

Followed by interventions from high-level panel constituted from representatives of national authorities. Speakers will focus on the Treated Wastewater and Drainage Water Reuse for Agriculture Development:

* State-of-the art in North Africa?
* State-of-the art in Mashreq region?
* State-of-the art in Gulf Countries?

In addition, speakers will address the following questions:

1. What guidance to be provided to guide and support policy makers to face main constraints?

2. What are the most innovative and effective approaches to ensuring the safe reuse of these non-conventional water resources in the context of water scarcity?

3. How to unlock the potential of treated wastewater and drainage water reuse for agriculture development?

4. What further developments are expected over the next several years?

5. How to shift to a new holistic approach to unlock the potential of these non-conventional water resources.
The panelists coming from technical department in charge Non-conventional from NENA countries will discuss:

1. Perspectives of the development of TWW and DW reuse for agriculture and preferred approach to unlock the potential of non-conventional at the country scale.

The webinar 1 is designed for the national multidisciplinary teams, including policymakers and stakeholders from ministries of agriculture, water, environment and health and other authorities, research and development sectors, civil societies and private sector involved and interested in non-conventional water sector.

Technical specifications - Registration

The webinar 1 will use Zoom as a technical platform, will run for two hours and will be conducted in French and English. Translation will be organized. All needed materials, documentation and presentations will be made available to all registered participants.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, make comments and share relevant information and material through a chat function.
The webinar 1 will be recorded and will be made available, along with the associated materials and documents on the web pages of FAO, WHO, IWMI, ICBA and IME.


Wednesday September 23rd, 2020

11:00 - 11:30

Moderator of the Webinar: Mr. Maki Abdourahman, Land and Water Officer FAO SNE

Opening remarks:

* Ms. Ismahane Elouafi, Director-General, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)
* Mr. Alain Meyssonnier, President of the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME)
* Mr. Basel Al Yousfi, Director of the Regional Centre for Environmental Health Action (WHO)
* Mr. Amgad Elmahdi, Head of MENA Region, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
* Ms. Fawzia Chakiri, Arab Maghreb Union (UMA)
*Mr. Philippe Ankers, Sub- Regional Coordinator - FAO, Office for North Africa (FAO)

11:30 - 12:00

* State-of-the art in North Africa? By Mr. Faycel Chenini, Project Coordinator (FAO)
* State-of-the art in Middle East? By Ms. Nisreen Lahham, Project Manager (IWMI)
* State-of-the art in Gulf Countries? By Mr. Khalil Ammar, Principal Scientist (ICBA)

12:00 -12:45
Discussion with the Panelists:

* Mr. Sayed Ahmed Abd El-Hafez, Emeritus Professor, Ministry of Agriculture and Land reclamation, Egypt
* Mr. Ridha Gabouj, Director General DGGREE, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia
* Mr. Michel Afram, Director General and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), Lebanon
* Mr. Sidi Mouhamed Ould M'khaiti, Director of Central Directorate of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Mauritania
* Mr. Nizar Haddad, Director of National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC), Jordan
* Mr. Mohmoud Badiss, Head of the Irrigation Management Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Morocco
* Mr. Omar Salem, President of the General Water Resources Authority of Libya, Libya
* Mr. Mohamed A. Dawoud, Water Resources Advisor, Environment Agency - Abu Dahbi, United Arab Emirates
* Mr. Salah Chouaki, Director of Agriculture Development of Arid and Semi-arid Zones Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Algeria

12:45 -12:55
Questions and answers with all participants

12:55 -13:00

Closing and future orientations:
* Mr. Mohamed Al Hamdi, Water Scarcity Delivery Manager, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa (WSI - FAO)


[Sayed's Photo]

* Mr. Sayed Ahmed Abd El-Hafez Sayed Ahmed, Emeritus Professor and Former Director of Soil & Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Ministry of Agriculture and Land reclamation (MALR), Egypt.

Dr Abd El-Hafez is the representative of the Min of Ag on the national Egyptian steering committee on Rewater MENA project and he has very intensive background in soils, water requirements, and agro-climatology; with almost 100 publications in the optimized field irrigation, fertilization and measurements of evapotranspiration, water losses and water saving; soil and water management; effect of irrigation and fertilization on crop yield, water requirements and water use efficiency.


* Mr. Ridha Gabouj, Director General DGGREE, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

Mr. Ridha Gabouj is graduated from the National Institute of Rural Engineering of Water and Forests-Paris in 1987 and of the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia in 1985. He is the Director General of Rural Engineering and Water Exploitation and President of the WATER (Management by Objectives) program within the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries. He has led several reform projects in the water sector affecting governance, PPP, water pricing, reuse of treated wastewater, energy management and the development of renewable energies. He ensured the management of large hydraulic infrastructure projects in the areas of drinking water and sanitation, irrigation and drainage linked to the development of value chains, financed by various donors such as the World Bank , KfW, AfDB, JICA, AFD, etc. He has participated in several strategic thinking in the field of water in collaboration with several institutions and international organizations WHO, UNDP, World Bank, KfW, ACSAD, ADB, etc.
* Mr. Michel Afram, Director General and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), Lebanon

Dr. Michel Afram is currently the Director General and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI). He is a specialist in agricultural education and policy and holds many other positions, including Deputy Director of the Global Association of Francophone Agricultural and Food Processing Universities. Dr. Afram is also a member of the Lebanese Higher Agricultural Council; Professor at the School of Agriculture, Saint Joseph University; and a member of several Lebanese national committees pursuing improved agriculture and food production.
Dr. Afram has received many international awards in the past including the Golden Award for Best Research and Practice from the European Society for Quality Research and the London-Oxford-Award for best research activities. In 2019 he received the Bizz award. The Bizz award gathers and recognizes leading businesses from different regions that contribute to the daily growth of their local economy and the world economy.

* Mr. Sidi Mouhamed Ould M'khaiti, Director of Central Directorate of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Mauritania

Principal Engineer in Rural Engineering, holder of a Masters in Irrigation, having as areas of expertise: Irrigation / drainage, Planning and construction study of hydro-agricultural infrastructure (dams, irrigated perimeters). He has a very good professional experience
In technical, economic feasibility studies of dams, control, supervision and monitoring of hydro-agricultural works. Since December 2018, he occupies the position of Director of Rural Planning at the Ministry of Rural Development in Mauritania.
* Mr. Nizar Haddad, Director General of the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Jordan

Dr. Nizar Haddad, the Director General of the National Agricultural Research Center- Jordan. Holder of PhD & MSc degrees in Agriculture, MSc degree in Management and Strategic Studies. Has over 80 multidisciplinary scientific publications in rural development, beekeeping, eco-system services, climate change, and food security. Author of 17 books. Haddad gained 4 national awards and 6 international awards. In addition to his executive career, Haddad works on several advisory boards, steering committees and boards of agricultural faculties, and organizations, in addition to being the national focal point of the "Blue Peace in the Middle East" Initiative, and a member of the National Committee of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP)- UNESCO.


* Mr. Mohmoud Badiss, Head of the Irrigation Management Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Morocco

Agricultural engineer specialized in Agricultural Machinery, winner of the Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II - Rabat. Holder of a PhD in Biotechnology awarded by Tsukuba University in Japan, working on the optimization of aeration in a domestic wastewater treatment system by activated sludge. Currently head of the Testing, Experimentation and Standardization Department within the Irrigation and Agricultural Space Development Department. He is dealing with the issue of the reuse of wastewater in agriculture to which he has been assigned since 2014 as an executive of the Planning and Monitoring Service for Hydro-agricultural Resources then as Head of the Irrigation Management Service in the same Directorate.


* Mr. Omar Salem, President of the General Water Resources Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Marine Wealth, Libya

He is currently the President of the General Water Resources Authority of Libya, the national body responsible for the study, development and management of water resources. During his 44-year career in the water sector, he has held several key positions such as Director of Groundwater Studies, Director General of Water Resources, and Chairman of the General Water Authority for 20 years. He participated in the preparation of major hydrogeological studies including those of the Great Man-made River Project. He has a wide experience in the management of shared groundwater resources and served as Chairman of the Board of the Joint Authority for the Study and Development of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System shared by Libya, Egypt, Chad and Sudan, and member of the Executive Committee of the Northwestern Sahara Aquifer System shared by Libya, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as membership of several regional and international organizations working in the field of water resources. He has more than 85 international publications covering different aspects of the water resources of Libya.


* Mr. Mohamed A. Dawoud, Water Resources Advisor, Environment Agency - Abu Dahbi, United Arab Emirates.

He is a professor at National Water Research Center (on leave) and he is currently Water Resources Advisor with the Environment Agency - ABU DHABI, UAE. He has graduated in civil engineering with honor degree and got his Master and Ph.D. from Ain Shams University through joint program with Colorado State University, USA. Since 1991, he has maintained an active program of research and consulting activities, with particular emphasis on Groundwater aquifers artificial recharge with desalinated water, Reuse of TSE, desalination technology, and water resources management. His current research includes water supply and demand, solar desalination, groundwater management, aquifer storage and recovery, and Reuse of TSE in many countries such as Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, Oman, KSA, and UAE. He is an editor in three international journals and reviewer for other 7. He has 5 published books and more than 75 published research papers in international peer-reviewed journals, and international conferences. He got the 2009 Abu Dhabi Excellence Award and 2011 HH Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan Award. In 2011 he was awarded by the National Academies-USA as one of best four young Arab water scientists.

* Mr. Salah Chouaki, Director of Agriculture Development of Arid and Semi-arid Zones Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Algeria

Mr. Salah Chouaki, holder of State Engineer diploma in Agronomy, Plant Science and MSc in Agronomic Sciences (INA). He was the Director of the National Institute of Agronomic Research of Algeria and Chief Cabinet of the Minister Delegate for Saharan Agriculture and Mountains before his actual position. He is senior expert on: Biodiversity, Biosecurity, Plant genetic resources, Institutional diagnosis, Conflict management, Natural resource management and Rural development. he coordinated several research and development projects with ICARDA, FAO and national institutions.

Abdourahman MAKI
Land and Water Officer
FAO-SNE Subregional Office for North Africa
Tel : +216 70 145 721 ; mob : +216 98 793 026
Skype : abdogaba
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