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[paepard] WEBINARS: COVID-19, food systems, and interaction with

2020-03-30 20:29

"" <>

"Platform for African - European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II)" <>

"Platform for African - European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II)" <>

Dear all

As a food safety professional with over 40 years' experience, I offered
a webinar today for the South African Association of Food Science and
Technology (SAAFoST). Due to the unprecedented response of over 5000
registrations, I have agreed to repeat the webinar every day this week
at 12:00 South African time. The title is "Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): Is
it a Food Safety Risk?".

Attached is the invitation from SAAFoST with registration possibilities
by day. You are most welcome to is free.

I have also developed an infographic and A3 poster on "advice for food
workers" related to covid-19. It is available on my website for free
download at [1]

I look forward to interacting with you!

Best wishes

Immediate Past President: SAAFoST

Member of International Commission on the Microbiological Specification
for Foods (ICMSF)

Fellow of International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST)

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From: <> On Behalf Of Francois
Sent: Monday, 30 March 2020 5:27 PM
To: Platform for African - European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <>
Subject: [paepard] WEBINARS: COVID-19, food systems, and interaction
with malnutrition

25 March 2020. WEBINAR. Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on
Livelihoods in Africa: Part 1 - The Effect on Remittances [2] _More
information about part 2 and 3 of this webinar series will follow

26 March 2020. WEBINAR. How African Businesses Can Survive COVID-19

31 March 2020. WEBINAR. Why increasing the role of renewable energy
mini-grids is essential to transforming agricultural productivity and
food security in Africa [4]

2 April 2020. WEBINAR. COVID-19, food systems, and interaction with
malnutrition (see announcement below)

3 April 2020. WEBINAR. The geopolitics of COVID-19 and climate change -
the role of disruptors in the transformation to sustainability [5]

7 April 2020. WEBINAR. Washington. LAUNCH EVENT - 2020 Global Food
Policy Report: Building Inclusive Food Systems. [6] postponed to later
this year

7 April 2020. WEBINAR. Empowering the community through Inclusiveness
and engagement in the Food and Nutrition Security, and Sustainable
Agriculture Sector [7] LEAP4FNSSA second webinar @ 13.00-14.00 CET

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 4:28 PM

Dear All,

With COVID-19 dominating the news, is it a priority to think about ag
and nutrition right now? YES - nutrition and food systems are more
urgent concerns than ever in the face of this pandemic.

* With infections just starting to rise in Africa, where there is a
major burden of malnutrition, the populations most affected may be
different than what we have seen in higher income countries - primarily
because malnutrition may leave people more vulnerable to severe illness
and death.
* A critical concern is maintaining food supply and access for all.
Lessons about resilience in food systems can already be seen from China
- some encouraging, and some warnings to heed, about food supply in the
shadow of potential input and labor shortages.
* What do leaders need to do to protect those vulnerable from
malnutrition right now, and to protect food systems to ensure that all
people can access the food we need over the coming weeks and months?

We will be holding a special panel and Ag2Nut Community discussion on
this topic, co-sponsored with ANH Academy. Please join, as our
community grapples with what is needed urgently to mitigate the crisis.

Date: Thursday, April 2

Time: 10:00a NY/Boston, 3:00p London, 4:00p Rome, 5:00p Addis, 7:30p

Meeting platform: Zoom _(how to join instructions will be sent soon!)_


* Tesfaye Hailu, Ethiopian Public Health Institute: brings the topic
to the floor and outlines key questions and concerns, particularly
focusing on Africa. This discussion was motivated by Tesfaye's email
sent to Ag2Nut-Ethiopia, copied at the bottom of this email.
* Selena Ahmed, Montana State University: shares lessons learned from
the current situation in China, where she researches food environments.
* Will Masters, Tufts University: discusses economic aspects of how
supply chains and markets could change and what can keep them
* Denise Costa Coitinho, UN SCN: presents a summary of SCN's analysis
of food environments disruptions by COVID-19, highlighting some
resources [8] and examples of actions taken to mitigate the
consequences; and what UN agencies are proposing to respond to the
* Moderator: Anna Herforth, Ag2Nut: I will outline the reason for
coming together, what we know about nutrition and disease interactions,
and how we can use our discussion to act and speak with one voice.

This is a time to bring together our ideas as a diverse community with
common interests, and harmonize our work and messages to act and speak
with one voice!

Out of this discussion, we will produce a summary of ideas on what needs
to be done by leaders to protect the vulnerable, and to maintain
functional food systems. Ag2Nut members can then use this summary and
share it with leaders with whom we work.

Best wishes for health, and community-



_Anna Herforth, Ph.D._

_Independent consultant_

_Global nutrition and food security_

_Original email to Ag2Nut-Ethiopia from Tesfaye Hailu: _

Dear nutrition scientific community,

I hope you are in good health.

As you all know, the COVID 19 is our current global challenges and
killed 22,295 people all over the world. The severity of this global
pandemic shifting from China to Europe and now to the USA according to

The total number of cases, new cases and deaths due to COVID 19 in
Africa is increasing from time to time. As of now, 2,819 total number of
cases, and 73 total deaths due to COVID 19 is reported in Africa. This
figure will increase dramatically as we have seen it in other parts of
the world unless multisectoral action designed. The situation will be
worse in the continent due to many reasons such as the way of life is
very challenging for social distancing, very high poverty and limited
capacity of government to take preventive actions. With all these
limiting factors, African governments are not taking harmonized actions
to this global challenge (some governments are lock down their sectors
and started mobilizing resources where as others are still giving quite
low attention and not even giving enough response to the reported
cases). The lesson from this pandemic so far, unless we put a collective
action, we all are victim (for instance most number of the cases we have
in Ethiopia are coming from outside). This is the same for many African
countries at the moment.

COVID 19 is affecting first the developed world and gradually covering
developing countries particularly in Africa. Even though the prevention
mechanism is similar, the strategies that are implemented in the
developed world (such as complete lock down) may not be easy and
practical to the developing nations due to poverty, food insecurity and
severe acute malnutrition, and many more infectious disease.

The nutrition community needs to think more critically how to prevent
the burden of COVID 19 without increasing/with decreasing the burden of
malnutrition, food insecurity, poverty, other infectious diseases and
deaths in developing countries.

The other issue is the age group who die by COVID 19 in the developed
nations may not be the same in developing countries. Because people who
are infected will survive if they have good immunity, less complication
and access to good health care services. However, the situation (for
instance the total number of deaths per confirmed cases and population
group who will from this infection) in Africa may not be the same due to
the burden of HIV, TB, malnutrition and other infectious diseases.
Therefore, we need to see the situation in sub-Saharan Africa
differently from the developed nations.

As we may witness, the government of Ethiopia is putting efforts to
protect our nation from this crisis. However, we need to discuss and
advice government what has to be done different in nutrition during this
crisis. For example:

What should be done differently in nutrition at this critical time?
What programs are going on in the government sectors?
What programs are going on in implementing partners ?
What evidence academia's and research institutes are to looking? What
needs to look additionally?
Are we able to do the current program as we planned if this crisis is
going in this way? If not, what can we do differently?
Where is the current resource allocation for nutrition?
What resources are currently available for nutrition in government
sectors ?
What resources are currently available for nutrition in partners?
What additional resources are needed for nutrition? How can we get this
additional resources?
Are we able to use our current resources for the ongoing programs if
this crises continue in this way ? If not, what can we do differently
with the available resources to reduce the effect of COVID 19 on the
burden of malnutrition?

I need your thought in this regards. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Tesfaye Hailu
PhD fellow in Wageningen University and Research (WUR)
Researcher, Food Science and Nutrition Research Directorate
Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)
P.O.Box: 1242, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel. Office +251-112-756310,
Fax: +251-112-754744
Cell Phone: +251-944123108/0626021882,
Skype: tesfayeh19
Alternative email: [9]

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