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Author or Institution as Author
Dzama, K.

Raphaka, K.


Resource Type
Curated Content
Journal Article
Date of Publication
Nov 01, 2022

Genetic parameters for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG1), 18-months weight (18 MW) and post-weaning average daily gain (ADG2) were estimated using single-trait and multi-trait analyses. Data consisted of 2257 records for the Botswana Composite and 5923 records for the Tswana collected between the period of 1988 and 2006. The individual animal model (AM) and animal maternal model (AMM) were fitted in both analyses.

Elsevier B.V.

Raphaka, K. and Dzama, K., (2010). Genetic analyses for growth traits of two indigenous beef cattle breeds in Botswana. Elsevier B.V. Livestock Science 129 (2010) 194–199Available at: doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2010.01.024


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