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Fifty (50) FFS members from Nkoeng Ha-Makakamela and Malaoaneng Ha-Seetsa under Tale and Mahobong resource centers respectively, have graduated. Out of twenty-five (25) graduates from Nkoeng, nineteen (19) were females and six (6) were males. Similarly, there were 25 graduates from Ha-Seetsa comprising of eighteen (18) females and seven (7) males. The FFS in the above-mentioned areas were established as one of the extension approaches used by the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) to promote the adoption of improved maize (ZM 521& ZM 523) and bean (NUA 45 & Pinto Nodak) seed varieties in Lesotho.

The FFS were established by APPSA in October and November 2021, under the sub-project titled “Drivers to Technology Adoption and Profitability-Dissemination of improved technologies of maize and beans varieties in Lesotho and Angola”. Ms Mokhantso Morahanye from Lesotho is the Principal Investigator (PI) of this sub-project while Dr Kiakanua Manuvanga from Angola is the Co-PI.

The motto of FFS is learning by doing, therefore members were practically involved throughout all stages of crop husbandry in the 2021-22 cropping season. Technical backstopping was conducted where FFS members were trained on the following:

  • Fertilizer and manure application;
  • Pest management;
  • Harvesting;
  • Seed selection;
  • Storage; and
  • Cooking of NUA 45 bean variety.

Following the comprehensive training package, the farmers are considered experts in their own field.    

The graduation ceremony was officiated by the Director - Department of Agricultural Research, Dr Lefulesele Lebesa. She congratulated the farmers for the courage they showed throughout the cropping season in applying themselves, hence making FFS a success. Dr Lebesa was overwhelmed by the way FFS members were conversant with technologies introduced in their area. The Director highlighted that the holistic manner in which FFS were conducted, addresses the Sustainable Development Goals. She applauded all FFS facilitators and stakeholders for the apparent hard work.

The Director DAR and DFS handing over certificates

APPSA-Lesotho Project Manager, Mr Mabusetsa Makau, thanked the Leribe District Agricultural Office for embracing and supporting APPSA initiatives. He asserted that it is APPSA’s mandate to disseminate agricultural technologies to the farming communities to overcome food insecurity. The Project Manager indicated that farmers learn better when they are practically involved in activities, which is exactly what FFS promote.

The Director of Field Services (DFS) Mr. Thabo Sekhonyana indicated that it is mandatory for extension services in Lesotho to empower farmers with knowledge, access to technology, information, and appropriate farming practices for the sustainable agricultural production. DFS indicated that the FFS graduates have become a helping hand for extension services to capacitate their fellow farmers with skills. He further highlighted that the strides of effective Research-Extension-farmer linkages are prominent in this regard.

FFS members at Ha Seetsa Malaoaneng

The farmers, who were in a jubilant mood during the graduation, indicated that FFS enabled them to make informed decisions on their daily farming activities. They expressed their gratitude to APPSA, the Departments of Agricultural Research and Extension Services in Leribe district for availing the technologies and their support throughout the entire 2021-2022 cropping season.

The FFS graduation was graced by the presence of representatives from the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Small-holder Agriculture Development Project (SADP), partners (National University of Lesotho & Lesotho Agricultural College), Department of Extension Services, Scientists and Farmers’ representatives.

Source: Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) of Lesotho

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