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Moatshe-Mashiqa, O.G.

Mashiqa, P.K., Molosiwa, O.O.

Resource Type
Curated Content
Journal Article
Date of Publication
Mar 01, 2023

Common bean is the most consumed legume by humans and hence significant for global food security and nutritive value mainly iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of harvesting time and genotypes on proximate and mineral composition of common bean. Two field experiments were carried out in Sebele (24o 33′S, 25o 54′E, 994 m above sea level) horticultural fields during summer 2018/2019. Treatments included two common bean genotypes DAB 564 (white) or 520 (red) and three harvesting stages as the early, mid and late season harvest. In both seasons, genotype and harvesting time significantly (P < 0.05) influenced proximate, macro and micro mineral composition of common bean seeds. Generally genotypes studied had a sufficient amount of proximate and mineral content with crude protein, iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) content as the most abundant minerals at a range between 20-22%, 33-101 mg g-1 and 41-45 mg g-1, respectively across harvesting times. Genotype DAB 564 (white coloured) significantly (P < 0.05) produced seeds with the highest concentration of proximate and mineral contents especially zinc (45 mg g-1) and iron (70 mg g-1) content irrespective of season. Harvesting common bean seed early or mid-stage produced high seed concentration of proximate, micro and macro mineral content across genotype or season.

Canadian Center of Science and Education

Moatshe-Mashiqa, O.G., Mashiqa, P.A, and Molosiwa, O.O. (2021). Proximate and Mineral Nutrition of Common Bean Genotypes as Influenced by Harvesting Time. Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 14, No. 1; 2022. p.85-93. Available at:

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