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Dear stakeholder, friend or colleague

This is an email to inform you how to join tomorrow's webinar and discussing
policy dialogue options for postharvest management! If you haven't
registered, you can still do it following the instructions below.


There will be two options on the same day, for the same webinar, at 11am and
4pm Central European Time. Register for the one of your choice:

* 1st slot: REGISTER HERE
mGBJbvCtHpMcqFA/viewform?usp=sf_link> (11:00 to 13:00 Hrs East African
Time, 08:00 to 10:00 West African; 10.00 to 12.00 South African/Central
European time)
* 2nd slot: REGISTER HERE
KmAkc_7tC5rtIJA/viewform?usp=sf_link> (16:00 to 18:00 Hrs East African
Time, 13:00 to 15:00 West African; 15:00 to 17:00 South African/Central
European time


* [ important! ] Make sure you have a headset connected to your
laptop, and that you are in a quiet room. We will welcome your questions
live, so you will be able to open your microphone to interact.
* To open the webinar, click here:

The Webinar is an opportunity to share your own experiences on the topics of
discussion and learn from experiences all over sub-Saharan Africa in the aim
to bring postharvest management solutions to scale.

Learn more about the webinar content in the email below.


Jerry T. Egessa, AFAAS; Talentus Mthunzi, FANRPAN; Angela Deppeler, AGRIDEA


What can be done on policy level to reduce postharvest losses for better
food security? In what way can local organizations support the sustainable
introduction and integration of postharvest management (PHM) policies?

These and other related questions will be discussed at our next webinar on
25th September 2018, with distinguished Prof. Joao Mutondo (Food,
Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)). He
will present best practices for ensuring the adoption of PHM in policies and
development plans, with a special focus on experiences from Mozambique. On
this basis, we want to discuss with you, the stakeholders, about your
experiences in getting PHM into the policy level and supporting the adoption
of PHM practices in that way. We will also link the debate to the Bellagio
statement on PHM, introduced by Raphael Dischl from Helvetas.

New: The webinar will be held in two (2) sessions of the same programme in
one day to carter for stakeholders who might not be able to attend in the

1st slot: 11:00 to 13:00 Hrs East African Time, 08:00 to 10:00 West African;
10.00 to 12.00 South African/Central European time;

2nd slot: 16:00 to 18:00 Hrs East African Time, 13:00 to 15:00 West African;
15:00 to 17:00 South African/Central European time

The inscription link will be communicated a week before the webinar. Save
the Date!

The webinar series on Postharvest Management (PHM) started in 2017 and will
continue this year (2018) under the theme "Scaling up proven technologies
and practices of postharvest management in Africa". We will be happy to
exchange with you on the questions of how we can take advantage of proven
technologies and practices that diminish postharvest losses and foster their
adoption by smallholder farmers.

The webinars are organized by the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory
Services (AFAAS), supported by FANRPAN and backstopped and facilitated by
the Centre for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (AGRIDEA) on
behalf of the project Postharvest Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

The webinars will, in addition to a presentation, be focused on interaction
between participants on the basis of the presentations. Webinar participants
will have an opportunity to share their own experiences on the topics of
discussion and learn from experiences all over sub-Saharan Africa.

The key messages and insights of the discussions on the webinars will be
shared on different platforms including the Global Community of Practice
(CoP) forum on food loss and waste moderated by FAO, and the Virtual
Networking Platform, the D-groups, Twitter and Facebook, moderated by AFAAS.

About the PHM-SSA project:
The PHM-SSA project is being implemented by a consortium including Helvetas,
AFAAS, FANRPAN and AGRIDEA in Mozambique and Benin. The project aims to
improve food security of smallholder men and women farmers in SSA through
reduction of postharvest losses of food crops (grains and pulses) with a
market system approach. The project draws lessons and experiences from the
implementing countries that are shared at the continental level. A similar
project, Grain Postharvest Loss Prevention Project (GPLP) is being
implemented in Tanzania. The projects are funded by the Swiss Agency for
International Development and Cooperation (SDC).

For more on the PHM-SSA project, contact:

. Talentus Mthunzi, FANRPAN ( <;

. Angela Deppeler, AGRIDEA ( <;

. Jerry T. Egessa, AFAAS ( <;

Funding Partners