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Mozambique has the third-highest rice consumption in the SADC region, and most of it is imported from Asia. The demand for rice is growing at an estimated six to seven percent per year, presenting an economic opportunity for innovative means of increasing local rice production and productivity. As part of the efforts to close the gap both in Mozambique and in the region as a whole, the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), through the World Bank-funded Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA), has facilitated the establishment of a Regional Centre of Leadership (RCoL) for rice and rice-based systems, based in Namacurra (Mozambique), to promote collaborative research and partnerships among SADC countries. The RCoL is also a platform through which scientists working on rice and rice-based systems from SADC can jointly generate technologies to benefit the entire region.

Mozambique has the third-highest rice consumption in the SADC region.

Since its establishment between 2013 and 2019, the rice RCoL has hosted scientists from the region who are able to access research fields for on-station trials as well as all related machinery and infrastructure. Although yet to be fully equipped, scientists can also benefit from different laboratories available on site, such as those for biotechnology, seeds and soil.

Among the list of current partners, the rice RCoL is collaborating with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Africa Rice in research trials to generate high product profiles considering regional and continental ecosystems to benefit as many countries as possible. Indeed, trials are aiming at varieties that can respond to rainfed lowlands, rainfed uplands, and irrigated ecosystems.

For Mr. Hermínio Abade, a Rice Breeder based in Namacurra, partnering with international research organizations is stimulating the RCoL to run trials accommodating local concerns as well as those from beyond borders. “We have received from IRRI and Africa Rice more than 600 lines which we are currently being evaluated for yield under different conditions in order to identify ideal germplasm for particular and relevant agro-ecosystems across the region and beyond”, added Mr. Abade.

Mr Abade, Rice Breeder and Rice RCoL Manager.

According to Dr Olga Jossias Faftine, the Director General of the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM), the institution hosting the rice RCoL, this entity is also to bridge partnerships and collaboration between different research and academic institution as well as to advocate for a regional agenda in rice research. “We have memoranda of understanding with several national academic institutions through which we collaborate in different spheres. However, our target is to expand our reach and bring on board the entire region in order to well vest future scientists with rice-related knowledge that goes beyond country boundaries and promote a common regional view in rice research”, said Dr Faftine.

Dr Faftine addressing the media on the Rice RCoL role both at national and regional levels.

Dr Faftine added that the rice RCoL has initiated contacts with different organisations such as the Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD Madagascar), Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and Brazilian Company of Agricultural Research (Embrapa) to strengthen collaboration and partnerships in the SADC region. “By bringing these organization we want to elevate our portfolio by hosting joint research projects in the region and facilitate collaboration and partnerships with SADC countries”, shared Dr. Fafetine.
Dr. Faftine ended by stating: “any scientist both from a research or academic institution are eligible to partner or collaborate with the rice RCoL and therefore, are all invited to contact us for details.”

For further information regarding the potential partnership and collaboration with the rice RCoL, do not hesitate to contact:

Dr. Olga Faftine
IIAM General Director 

Mr. Hermínio Abade
Rice Breeder and RCoL Manager

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