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Anna Maria Szyniszewska

Patrick Chiza Chikoti, Mathias Tembo,Rabson Mulenga, Christopher Aidan Gilligan, Frank van den Bosch, and Christopher Finn McQuaid

Resource Type
Partner Collections Content
Journal Article
Date of Publication
Apr 01, 2021

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an important food crop across subSaharan Africa, where production is severely inhibited by two viral diseases, cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD), both propagated by a whitefly vector and via human-mediated movement of infected cassava stems. There is limited information on growers’ behavior related to movement of planting material, as well as growers’ perception and awareness of cassava diseases, despite the importance of these factors for disease control. This study surveyed a total of 96 cassava subsistence growers and their fields across five provinces in Zambia between 2015 and 2017 to address these knowledge gaps. CMD symptoms were observed in 81.6% of the fields, with an average incidence of 52% across the infected fields. No CBSD symptoms were observed. Most growers used planting materials from their own (94%) or nearby (<10 km) fields of family and friends, although several large transactions. over longer distances (10 to 350 km) occurred with friends (15 transactions), markets (1), middlemen (5), and nongovernmental organizations (6). Information related to cassava diseases and certified clean (diseasefree) seed reached only 48% of growers. The most frequent sources of information related to cassava diseases included nearby friends, family, and neighbors, while extension workers were the most highly preferred source of information. These data provide a benchmark on which to plan management approaches to controlling CMD and CBSD, which should include clean propagation material, increasing growers’ awareness of the diseases, and increasing information provided to farmers (specifically disease symptom recognition and disease management options).


Szyniszewska, A M.,  Chikoti, P., Tembo, M., Mulenga, R., Gilligan, C A., Bosch, F V D,& McQuaid,  C M., (2021). Smallholder Cassava Planting Material Movement and Grower Behavior in Zambia: Implications for the Management of Cassava Virus Diseases. Disease Control and Integrated Management

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