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Date of Publication
Jan 01, 2019

Guide to Good Agriculture Practices in MalawiiFOREWORDThe government of Malawi recognizes the importance of using well researched and vetted Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in promoting sustainable agricultural production in the country to eliminate hunger and malnutrition. The Sustainable Agricultural Production Programme (SAPP), one of the initiatives that Government of Malawi (GoM) has putin place to address some of the problems that smallholder farmers face in their production activitiesis contributing to poverty reduction and improved food security among rural populations through achieving a viable and sustainable smallholder agricultural sector employing good agricultural practices (GAPs) in Malawi. The program is being implemented in 6 districts of Chitipa, Nkhotakota, Lilongwe, Balaka, Chiradzulu and Blantyre. The government of Malawi, through SAPP noted the shortfalls in the implementation of the GAPs and commissioned a synthesis of the research findings in Malawi and the region to inform on the GAPs which are ready to go and where best fit to advise the extension and technical person and their applicability. The exercise developed user friendly tools which can be used by the extension personnel in advising the most befitting GAPs in their areas of operations. TheMinistry of Agriculture,Water and Irrigation Developmentis committed to support all the stakeholders supporting agricultural production in the country to adoptthe application of the tools developed.

Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi

Malawi Government, Synthesizing agricultural research findings in MalawiGuide to Good Agriculture Practices in Malawi retrieved from… on 9th September, 2019

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Funding Partner
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

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