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Bosekeng, G.
Resource Type
Curated Content
Journal Article
Date of Publication
Mar 01, 2023

The article presents results of a survey conducted in the northern part of Botswana. The study was designed to assess the quantity of vegetable produced, production trend and constraints faced by farmers. The survey was done at Ditladi and Gulushabe in the farmer’s fields in May 2019 using a pre-tested survey questionnaire. Farmers were interviewed individually in their farms. Vegetable production and importation data was sourced from Horticultural sector and department of agricultural business promotion. Farmers (41.18%) perceived an upward production trend but data from agricultural offices indicate that production is fluctuating while generally low in all crops except cabbage. Farmers are faced with constraints such as gullies that limit the cultivable area, lack of implements, and lack of transport. The small size of fields is a bottleneck to most farmers. Prevalence of crop pests and diseases results in heavy application of synthetic chemicals. Cropping plan is neglected by more than half of the farmers interviewed. Farmers do not utilize available programs and financiers satisfactorily. They interact with government extension agents mostly on quarterly basis and are aware of climate change at the same time experiencing its consequences. There is a need for a joint effort for on-farm trials and information dissemination by the relevant stakeholders.

International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research

Bosekeng, G. Vegetable Production Trend and Constraints on Vegetable Farmers: A Case of Ditladi and Gulushabe Clusters in the Northern Region of Botswana, Part 1. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research Volume 8, Issue 6, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473.

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