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Dear all,

The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) in partnership with the (GIZ) GmbH, SADC Programme on Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas in Southern Africa (ACCRA), the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development in Southern Africa (CCARDESA) and the GCRF- FRICAP Programme is pleased to invite you to a knowledge-sharing webinar:

Climate Resilient Agriculture Success Stories – Making a Case for Scale Up

Date: 28 November 2019

Time: 15:00 SAST

Register for online participation:

Speaker: Dr Christian Thierfelder, Senior Cropping Systems Agronomist (CIMMYT)

Since 2009, Christian Thierfelder has led CIMMYT's conservation agriculture (CA) systems research in Southern Africa which has been running since 2004 with the aim to adapt CA systems to the needs and environments of smallholder farmers. He currently focuses on fine-tuning CA systems to different agro-ecologies and researching farmers' adoption of new technologies, green manure cover crops and grain legumes integration into maize-based farming systems, climate-smart agriculture, GxExM and agro-ecological management of the Fall armyworm.

Follow on Twitter @BusyBeeChris

Discussant: Dr. Manyewu Mutamba, Senior Programme Officer at AUDA-NEPAD, leading the Climate Resilience Programme

Dr Mutamba has been involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of regional and continental climate resilience programmes across sub-Saharan Africa and has a detailed understanding of climate risks facing natural and agro-ecosystems in many African countries. For the past 20 years he has managed multi-country programmes in East and Southern Africa on resilience building, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and climate smart agriculture practices such as Conservation Agriculture (CA), regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, water smart irrigation, renewable energy and holistic rangeland management.

Follow on Twitter @NEPAD_Agency

Description of the webinar

Southern Africa is likely to be significantly impacted by future climate change, with the latest projections for the region indicating that temperatures are likely to increase and more likely we will get: erratic rainfalls, delayed onset of season, shorter seasons, increase in dry spells. Africa agriculture must undergo significant transformation to meet the multiple challenges of climate change, manifesting in food insecurity, poverty and malnutrition. Fundamental to tackling these challenges is the need to make agriculture more adaptive and climate smart. This entails scaling up proven climate resilient agriculture practices, technologies, strategies and policies to accelerate the transformation of Africa's agriculture into a more sustainable and profitable sector. There is need to support climate-resilient development in the region by developing a comprehensive prospectus of successful cases ready for scale-up to attract national, regional and international investors.

An example of a CSA project ready for up-scaling is the maize value chain development that the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) and the Zambian Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) have been implementing with support from the SADC/GIZ's 'Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas of Southern Africa' (ACCRA) programme, implemented with the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development in Southern Africa (CCARDESA) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ). The CIMMYT-led intervention seeks to out-scale climate-smart technologies to smallholder farmers in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, with the goal of increasing their productivity, food security and climate resilience in maize-based farming systems.

The webinar will present a successful case study of resilience in the maize value chain which can be out scaled to other countries in the SADC region.

We would welcome questions submitted in advance. Submit all questions to:

Follow the proceedings of the webinar on social media:

@fanrpan @gcrfafricap #AFRICAP #investinclimate #investincsa



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