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Dear Colleagues,

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through its
division, Climate and Environment (CBC) would like to invite you to its
fifth webinar on Ecosystem Based Adaptation in the agricultural sectors as
means of upscaling climate change adaptation in agricultural sectors.

Below is the information regarding the webinar and how to register.

Join us for the 5th webinar
of the Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in the agricultural sectors webinar
a rising demand for food, fodder, fiber and bio-energy the agricultural
sector faces fierce competition with households and industry over
increasingly scarce water resources. Moreover, for many countries,
prospects on improving water availability under changing climatic
conditions remain bleak as both droughts and flood hazards are expected to
increase. Given the importance of water needs for the sustainable
development of the agricultural sector and related food security, calls for
a shift in water management paradigms are justified and merit greater

Nature Based Solutions (NBS) may offer a promising contribution to enhance
the availability and quality of water for productive purposes and human
consumption, while simultaneously striving to preserve the integrity and
intrinsic value of the ecosystem. Nature-based solutions use or mimic
natural processes to enhance water availability and reduce risks associated
with water-related disasters and climate change. By doing so, these
solutions have the potential to move us beyond the business-as-usual
approaches to tackling many of the planet’s water challenges, while
simultaneously delivering additional benefits vital to all aspects of
sustainable development.

Despite this, implementing successful NBS for water management is not an
easy task, as many ecosystems are already severely degraded. Ecosystems are
often large and complex systems and the impact of interventions can only be
assessed and analysed at a system-wide level. Furthermore, many
stakeholders are involved as owners, users or caretakers, each with their
own set of interests and values. As such is the case, simple market-based
solutions such as partitioning the ecosystem, attributing property rights
and applying the polluter-pay-principle are not the most viable strategies.
This webinar will share perspectives from FAO, UN World Water Assessment
Programme (WWAP, UNESCO programme) and the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) on the potential for and use of NBS to sustainably improve
the management of agricultural water.

*Presentations and speakers:*

*1. FAO discussion paper: Nature-Based Solutions at the service of
agricultural water management and food security*

Ben Sonneveld , Senior Researcher, Amsterdam Centre for World Food
Studies/Athena Institute and Amani Alfarra, Land and Water Officer, FAO

*2. Nature-based Solutions for Agricultural Water Management – Key-findings
of the UN World Water Development Report*

Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Coordinator and Director, UN World Water
Assessment Programme (WWAP, UNESCO programme)

*3. Key messages from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on
nature-based solutions for water and agriculture*

Dr. Harry David Cooper, Deputy Executive Secretary, Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD)

*4. Nature-based solutions for water and agriculture - guidance under the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)*

Ms. Lisa Janishevski is Programme Officer for Biodiversity and Climate
Change, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

*5. Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): Wasabi
cultivation system in Japan*

Hiroyuki Ono, Associate Professional Officer, GIAS


Manar Abdelmagied and Maria Arnal, Climate and Environment Division, FAO,

*When?* 28th June 2018

*Time?* 14:00 – 15:30 CEST (UTC +2)

To join us, we invite you to register here
to join on the day of the webinar here
<;. We look forward to your

Kind regards,

FAO Climate and Environment Division (CBC)


* Molefi MphesheaNatural resource OfficerClimate and Environment Division
(CBC)Food Agricultural Organization of United NationsVia delle Terme di
Caracalla – 00153 RomeOffice #: C862Tell. +39 06570
<; *

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